Why use an e-portfolio?

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According to Clark University in Massachusetts, a “portfolio is a compilation of materials that exemplifies your beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training, and experiences. It provides insight into your personality and work ethic.” So you may say that an e-portfolio is the digital version of a portfolio, a place where you can accumulate material of your creation, samples of work, job and training experience that would let others see who you are and what you stand for. The e-portfolio is a digital place that will collect reflections of learning experiences as a way to deepen our understanding and make meaningful connections with your current situation. But why should we use it? That is the most critical question behind keeping an e-portfolio. There must be a driving force to continue to write and reflect on our everyday experiences. For many the e-portfolio is a way to show what they know and what they can teach, their reason to keep an e-portfolio is to show what they can do for you. For other professionals, it is a tool to maintain themselves current and relevant through reflection. In my case it is a mixture of both, I intend to have a place to reflect on my learning, that could also be useful for somebody in a similar situation. I want to build a robust platform that shows what I can do, my experience and my strengths. At the moment I am looking for an opportunity to become a technology specialist, and this is the perfect opportunity to advertise and start making a brand for myself. In a few words, the e-portfolio has grown a learning experience as authentic as it can be for me and I will try to take advantage of this class time to work as much as I can on it.

Clarke University (2018) What is a portfolio? Retrieved September 07, 2018, from https://www.clarke.edu/academics/careers-internships/student-checklist/resume-writing-and-portfolios/what-is-a-portfolio/